路由# 321076470

你的旅游指南 常用退休帐户

2020年8月13日 7分钟

Whether you’re just starting out in your career or if you’ve already been saving, it’s good to know about the popular retirement account options available to you.

你有 储蓄和投资选择

While there are several main ways to save, 401(k)s and ira are the two most popular. 401(k)计划通常是由你的雇主提供的退休计划, while 一个爱尔兰共和军 is a retirement account that you set up and contribute to independently. 最后, 你总是可以把钱存进定期储蓄账户, 也是——但这没有税收优惠,所以你不会存那么多钱.

401(k) 计划

A 401(k) is a way to save for retirement that’s set up by your employer – and you typically cannot have a 401(k) account unless you have an employer that offers one. 大多数401(k)计划是由公司自己或投资集团管理的, 大多数401(k)账户都投资于股票市场, 至少有一部分资产. 在一个典型的设置中, you have your employer set aside a percentage of your gross wages (that is, 你在扣除税项及其他开支前的工资), 比如8%. 虽然401(k)计划没有收入限制, there are contribution limits – meaning that you can only contribute up to a maximum dollar amount each year. Check your benefits department or tax advisor for details on the maximum.

在很多情况下(但不是全部)你的雇主会这么做 将你的部分捐款存入401(k)账户. 例如, a company may match you dollar-for-dollar up to a certain percent of your wages - for instance, 最高3%. 在这个场景中:

  • 如果你将100美元工资的3%存入401(k), you would get a $6 deposit to your 401(k) - $3 from your wages and $3 from your company.
  • If you contributed 4%, you would get a total of $7 - $4 from your wages and $3 from your company.
  • If you contributed 2%, you would get a total of $4 - $2 from your wages and $2 from your company. 在最后一个例子中, you’re losing out on the $1 th在你 company would contribute because you’re choosing to contribute only 2% (and your company would have matched 最高3%).

传统的 ira

A 传统的爱尔兰共和军 is a special savings account that you set up for retirement 在像帕特尔科这样的金融机构或投资经纪公司工作. 您可以为您的传统爱尔兰共和军选择各种投资, 包括股票, 债券, 交易所交易基金, 股票和现金储蓄. 和所有ira一样, 传统的个人退休账户受到特定法规和税法的约束, 所以它和一般的储蓄账户有点不同. Patelco提供多种形式的ira -你可以与一个 CFS财务顾问1 了解更多. 传统个人退休账户没有收入限制, meaning that you can contribute to them no matter wh在你 annual gross income is.

在你建立了你的传统个人退休账户之后, 你可以做出贡献, 最高6美元,每年7万美元,如果你的年龄在50岁或50岁以上,那么你的收入是1000美元。. 供款的截止日期与纳税截止日期一致, 所以在纳税日之前,你可以为前一年的收入供款. 当你向传统的个人退休账户缴款时, the amount of your contribution may reduce your taxable income for the year – check with your investment advisor or tax advisor to see if you qualify. 例如, 如果你的收入是70美元,000美元,你出资6美元,到传统爱尔兰共和军账户, 那么你当年的应税收入将降至64美元,假定你符合扣除额的话.

你可以贡献税前或税后的钱, giving you immediate tax benefits if your contributions are tax-deductible. The contributions you make to a 传统的爱尔兰共和军 account will then grow tax-deferred, 这意味着你只需要为你的收入纳税. 你要为这些提款支付普通所得税. Note that early withdrawals may be taxed as income and also assessed a 10% IRS penalty.

罗斯 ira

A 罗斯爱尔兰共和军 is similar to a 传统的爱尔兰共和军, but with very different tax advantages. 只有税后的钱才可以存入 罗斯个人退休帐户. 有利的一面, 一旦你在退休期间从罗斯个人退休账户中提取, 这样做是免税的, 只要基金持有至少5年. Whatever interest and capital gains you earn in a 罗斯爱尔兰共和军 also grow tax-free. 这意味着如果你赚了100美元的利息和1美元,每年从你的罗斯个人退休账户中获得的资本收益, you don’t have to pay taxes that year – nor will you have to pay additional taxes when you withdraw at retirement.

In 2022, the annual contribution limit for the 罗斯 is the same as the 传统的爱尔兰共和军, $6,每年7万美元,如果你的年龄在50岁或50岁以上,那么你的收入是1000美元。 . 如果你同时向罗斯个人退休账户和传统个人退休账户存钱, 合并后的年度限额为6美元,000 (or $7,50岁或以上则为000美元). 请注意,罗斯个人退休账户也有收入限制, 所以一定要和你的财务顾问谈谈,看看你是否符合条件.

The difference between a 传统的爱尔兰共和军 and a 罗斯爱尔兰共和军 essentially comes down to tax deductions. 你想现在还是将来享受税收优惠?”

底部寿命差异 在传统和罗斯个人退休账户之间

The difference between a 传统的爱尔兰共和军 and a 罗斯爱尔兰共和军 essentially comes down to tax deductions – do you want tax advantages now or in the future? 如果你希望在未来享受相同或更低的税率, 你最好还是 传统的爱尔兰共和军 这给你带来了税收优惠. 如果你期望在退休时的纳税等级更高,a 罗斯爱尔兰共和军 也许是最好的选择. 如果你是千禧一代,离退休还有几十年, 你应该向罗斯个人退休账户存钱.


传统的爱尔兰共和军 罗斯爱尔兰共和军
传统的爱尔兰共和军 罗斯爱尔兰共和军
个人年最高供款额 2 49年及以下,罚款6000美元
可扣除的税款 潜在的 3 No
随时提取资金? 在59岁半之前缴纳10%的罚款(有些豁免), 包括首次置业, 领养或生育费, 等.) 是的, only on your contributions (10% tax penalty on any earnings withdrawn before age 59½)
供款入息限额 没有,但贡献者需要有劳动收入 是的 4
要求的最小分布? 是的,从72岁开始 不,你想存多久就存多久
提款纳税吗?? 是的,传统爱尔兰共和军提款作为固定收入纳税 不,取款是免税的5

9月 ira

简化雇员退休金爱尔兰共和军 is similar to a 传统的爱尔兰共和军 in that contributions are tax-deductible, 而且,投资会在退休前延税增长. 在提款时,这笔钱将作为固定收入征税. What’s different about a 9月 爱尔兰共和军 is that it’s best suited for freelancers, independent contractors or small business owners with few or no employees. 在Patelco,我们只向独资经营者提供商业账户.)

如果你是一个有员工的小企业主, 这个计划要求按报酬的一定百分比等额缴纳. 例如, 如果你把15%的补偿投入到你的计划中, 你还必须为每个员工的计划缴纳15%的费用. 捐款限额要高得多, 最高61美元,2022年的年薪是5000万(但也不能超过总薪酬的25%).

所以你应该得到 一个爱尔兰共和军?

The benefits of opening 一个爱尔兰共和军 account are that you control where your money is invested. A couple of items to consider before you open one are your overall financial goals and the tax implications. For more guidance on whether or not opening 一个爱尔兰共和军 account is the best decision for you this year, 建立一个免费的会话,与我们的一个 CFS财务顾问1 在你 当地的Patelco分公司.

如果你是X一代的一员, whether or not to fund a 罗斯个人退休帐户 is dependent on your income and other tax considerations, 包括你是否结婚了. 如果你快退休了, it probably doesn’t make sense to contribute to a 罗斯 account versus a traditional pre-tax account unless you’re definitely going to be in a higher tax bracket once you retire.

无论你处于人生的哪个阶段, talk to a financial advisor to see which one is best for you – and as a Patelco member you have access to a complimentary consultation with a CFS财务顾问.1

1 Non-deposit investment products and services are offered through CUSO Financial Services, L.P. ("CFS"), a registered broker-dealer (Member FINRA/SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. 透过中心提供的产品: 没有NCUA/NCUSIF或其他联邦保险, 难道不是信用合作社的担保或义务吗, 并可能涉及投资风险,包括可能损失本金. 投资代表须透过中心注册. 帕特尔科信用合作社 has contracted with CFS to make non-deposit investment products and services available to credit union members.

2 个人年度最高缴款将于2022年开始.

3 Fully deductible if your or your spouse’s employer does not offer a retirement plan. 如果你或你配偶的雇主提供退休计划, then modified adjusted gross income dictates whether traditional 爱尔兰共和军 is deductible and how much.

4 Single filers can make a full contribution with a modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is less than $129,000, 以及MAGI在129美元之间的部分捐款,000元及144元,000. Those married and filling jointly can fully contribute if their MAGI is less than $204,如MAGI大于$204,可作部分供款,000美元,但不到214美元,000. 任何超过所列金额的MAGI都不能向罗斯个人退休账户供款.

5 As long as you meet the 5-year rule and one of the qualifying exceptions, 比如59岁半或以上, 死亡, 永久性残疾, 或者是第一次买房.

